Monday, October 18, 2010

Photo Monday

Photos this morning because my "big thought" post for the week failed to coalesce in time. We'll see what we can do for Wednesday...

Playing field near the Charles.

Big willow tree near the Charles (sensing
a theme yet?)

Crew team desperately making up for lost time before Head of the Charles next week.
The Weeks Bridge (I think.)

A rather old dog hanging out with his owners in front of Crema.

Bench by the Charles (the other side of the Charles.)

Anna and her folks.

Many many acorns.

The kitty and her new favorite game of "lurk 'n grab."

The kitty and her all time favorite game of "snooze."

Ditto (but with the Smaug-approved watchful eye.)

Anna (who noticed when I thought she wasn't.)

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