Wednesday, April 14, 2010

baking > jobhunting

so coping with new medications, doctor's visits, and miscellaneous other issues has eaten my time this week -- before i've even had it which seems unfair -- so therefore all i have for you on this lovely wednesday are links to three cooking blogs.

lately, i've been baking on the weekends as a de-stressor from work and job-searching and all that kind of fun stuff. yeast bread doesn't ask you to fill out resume forms when you've already uploaded your resume to the job sites. chocolate cookies are not known for being critical of your professional development experience. and i have never yet found a quick bread which requires a cover letter.

joy the baker is the newest, courtesy of my friend diana, and i want to make pretty much everything on this site. the photography is appetite-inducingly good, too, which doesn't hurt at all.

sprinkle bakes has equally great photography and some nice recipes -- more useful, i find, for ideas for what to do with recipes i already have or decoration ideas or the like.

the british larder sounds like it should be one long list of recipes for fish 'n chips or fry-ups but it isn't. there is my current favorite recipe -- hot cross buns with golden sultanas and cardamom -- on here and i can vouch for the fact that not only does the recipe produce awesome hot cross buns, but the dough is perfectly amenable to being turned into loaf form and makes the most wonderful, tender, toast-worthy spice raisin bread.

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